Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Jingle Bells 5K
First run since the marathon, including training, and it showed in my 27 minute time!! I had hoped to do a lot better but if you don't put in the time...
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Proof of the pain!!

What followed was a creamy pint, a healthy tuna sanger and thoughts turned to maybe I COULD do it again!!! ...SOOOO I've signed up for Dublin 2008! At least I've got an easy personal best to beat!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Dublin City Marathon: 05:29:04

I felt really good at mile 14 which is hardly surprising as the longest I had ran during training was a 1/2 marathon. I was following my “take it easy and save it for later” strategy which seemed to be working (running an average of 11.5 minute miles).
BUT I had no idea what would happen after 14 miles and it wasn’t long before I realized that all was not well despite my carb loading diet leading up to the race and regular consumption of carb rich gel packs during the race; my legs were just not willing to do what they were told and as the miles went on they became less and less interested.
By mile 22 they had met with their union and were threatening to go on strike unless this ridiculous exercise ceased, I managed to keep them going for another mile or so but they finally had enough somewhere near mile 24 and we were walking for the next 2 miles.
It wasn’t until we got back into the city that their ego took over and responded the cheering crowds that lined the streets along the final stretch.
Crossing the line was an awesome experience, it somehow made up for the pain.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Great North Run: 02:26:52

Roll on the Dublin city marathon in 3 weeks!!!!!
Dublin 1/2 Marathon: 02:22:34
It was a real worry... I wasn't sure if I could run the course as I hadn't been training for the last few weeks through injury and sheer laziness... but as soon as I started I realised that it would be fine. The first 9 miles went well; I managed to keep a good pace and enjoyed the run. After mile 9 it quickly turned, by mile 11 I was ready to drop and had to walk for the first time but it did the trick and I was back running well into mile 12, crossing the line in a fantastic (in my opinion) time of 02:22:34.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
It's seems obvious now...
...but try to avoid sneezing when riding home on your motorcycle, especially if the visor's down. Enough said?
Monday, September 10, 2007
GNR thought...
I’m really looking forward to the Great North Run in Newcastle, even if my training schedule doesn’t reflect my enthusiasm… I’m not going to push it too hard during the Dublin ½ marathon (the previous week), I’ll be sticking to my 3 mile run, short walk, 3 mile run (ditto until the finish line) strategy, what can go wrong… just thought of one thing that could go wrong but what are the chances of a grand piano falling from a high rise?
Washout weekend...
OK, pretty rubbish weekend of running, in a word... none! Tuesday AM is the next on the list: 4 miles, then 8 and another 4 before a 10 miler at the weekend!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Ouchious Maximious
A little disappointing this morning... got out early (good start) but started to feel a little achy in my left foot early on. I thought I could run through it but got worse. After almost 3 miles I had to stop and walk the rest of the way. Will ice and rest tomorrow, see how we go. Can't afford to get injured now, especially as time is ticking away for the marathon... less than 7 weeks to go!!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
5.6 miles later... feeling good
I was supposed to run 4 miles this morning, but due to my amazingly retarded navigation skills I managed to clock up 5.6 miles. A pleasant surprise and, considering I was out at 6am (that's long before dawn) I felt pretty good afterwards.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
OK, back on track
It's been a while but we're back on track... Ran my 4 mile last night in a reasonable 42mins. 7 miles tonight...
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Took the ol' legs out for a run last night after a lengthy rest... now officially worried! Only 2 weeks to the 10 mile adidas run, that's gonna hurt!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Adidas 5 mile
50:57... really happy with this time, and it's looking good for the 10 mile run in 3 weeks.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Achill 1/2 Marathon!!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Shinsplints... my achilles heel
Went for my scheduled 7K run last night and was forced to stop after only 20 minutes... my lower legs were killing me! Later on I learn that I've got shin splints, not uncommon but bloody sore. I need to take it easy for a while, this means no running until my sports therapist gives the all clear. Normally I say "yeah! TV and beer all 'round" but now that I'm really quite serious about getting into marathon distance shape I'm a little gutted. Never mind, I can cycle to continue building my fitness levels. Other than that all's well!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Consistancy in a world gone mad...
Good new is that I finally got my ass into gear and ran tonight... bad news is that I'm not getting any faster... consistancy is not something I need right now. That damn pensioner passed my twice again tonight. Tonights tally: 8.60km in 00:56:18. Golf tomorrow, I've put that down as cross training. Then another 8.6K on Thursday.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
"Good things come to those who wait"...
...is relevant in most cases but not here I'm afraid. Familiar story... missed a day here and there, & there and here, unfortunately they were in series adding up to 4 days sans running. But I did get out this morning (very early) and managed 5.79K in 00:36:43, not completely rubbish but I'm getting there.
I've planned a recovery week ahead: Slow running all week; 6.5K Monday, then 3K Tuesday, 6.5K Wednesday, and finally 6.5 K Thursday. Cycle Friday, rest on Saturday and then a 5K race on Sunday. If I can do the 5K race in under 30mins I'll be happy, really happy!!
I did pass the same pensioner twice during my run, overtook would be more accurate... he over took me would be even more accurate. I have convinced myself that he was running a totally different route; a much shorter, less hilly route and he probably used his bus pass to cheat.
I've planned a recovery week ahead: Slow running all week; 6.5K Monday, then 3K Tuesday, 6.5K Wednesday, and finally 6.5 K Thursday. Cycle Friday, rest on Saturday and then a 5K race on Sunday. If I can do the 5K race in under 30mins I'll be happy, really happy!!
I did pass the same pensioner twice during my run, overtook would be more accurate... he over took me would be even more accurate. I have convinced myself that he was running a totally different route; a much shorter, less hilly route and he probably used his bus pass to cheat.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Stick to the program!!
It's been four days since I last ran but I'm back and I can feel it... Managed 3.75 miles (about 6K) but it was a real struggle, I had to walk a little at the middle bit... to the end bit. Yes it was another valient effort but nature did bite back and said "NO... you're just not fit enough to sprint around the park, we'll stop you here and you can walk the rest of the way" as my legs felt as if they had picked up a couple of hitchikers. It's a weird feeling, you've got to ignore the temptation to stop (and it's really tempting) because you will pass through a barrier & there it is... your second wind!
Oh, did I mention that my time was 42 mins.? And yes, that is crap... and yes I am getting slower...
The lesson today is: Stick to the program!! Don't misss a run, if you do then make up for it the VERY NEXT DAY!! Otherwise it's hitchiker time, and those guys hang on!
Oh, did I mention that my time was 42 mins.? And yes, that is crap... and yes I am getting slower...
The lesson today is: Stick to the program!! Don't misss a run, if you do then make up for it the VERY NEXT DAY!! Otherwise it's hitchiker time, and those guys hang on!
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
60 Days to go...
Just arrived into work and I have just realised that my running gear is still in my kitchen... many, many miles away. That may sound like a pathetic excuse but I assure you it was completely accidental...
UPDATE: Crap... didn't get out, that's 4 days in a row!!
UPDATE: Crap... didn't get out, that's 4 days in a row!!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Holiday Monday... do I have to??
You know, I really wanted to get out and run today but spent the entire day gardening instead. On the plus side the garden looks great!! It's been 3 days since I ran, must get act together tomorrow... Oh! There's that word again!! Annie, eat your heart out!!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Good thing about tommorow...
How pathetic is this.... missed my "tomorrow" run yet again, but the good this about tomorrow is that there's one just around the corner!!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
Managed 2.5 miles, but boy was it sore when I finished... Turns out it was to do with the orientation of my foot; for some reason I was running with my foot leaning slightly inward which was putting a little strain on one of my lower leg muscles. 6K tomorrow, hopefully sans ouch!!
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Managed 6K tonight, tough going! Really had to work hard to complete the last 3K. I'm putting it down to the fact that I had 2 rest days in a row. 3K tomorrow night and 6K on Saturday, then a massive 8K on Sunday!!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
...need to massage my schedule... again...
Missed my run tonight, I had a 2hr. motorbike lesson and I was in no fit state to run after that terrifying experience. So once again my schedule has to be pushed ahead by a day, no big deal.
Monday, April 30, 2007
...amazing what you find when you look!!
Having utilised the measurement tool from map24.com, it turns out that my earlier distances were a little... emmm... optimistic. What I thought was 3K was in fact 2.7K, not a huge difference so I'm not beating myself up about it.
Tonight was a long run... 4.24 miles or almost 8K. I was REALLY tired after 6K and sooooo wanted to stop but I had to stick to the plan. It's amazing what you can find when you really want to go a little further. My time was 42mins. My pace was a little slower than previous, shorter runs but I'm really working on distance right now; time can wait a little longer!!
My mate Kerry wondered if I got an email invitation to the 2008 London Marathon from fetcheveryone.com... I didn't get one!! I reckon she's on a special list... whereas I'm just listed as special...
Day off tomorrow... then running on Wed, Thurs and Fri . Off on Saturday and a big run on Sunday!! Only 67 days to the Achill 1/2 Marathon!! Yikes!
I wonder when I will feel less like a waddling walrus and more like a sprinting athlete... I'm still getting sympathy looks from passers by! You know that type... "Ah.. bless, keep going, you'll get there..."
Tonight was a long run... 4.24 miles or almost 8K. I was REALLY tired after 6K and sooooo wanted to stop but I had to stick to the plan. It's amazing what you can find when you really want to go a little further. My time was 42mins. My pace was a little slower than previous, shorter runs but I'm really working on distance right now; time can wait a little longer!!
My mate Kerry wondered if I got an email invitation to the 2008 London Marathon from fetcheveryone.com... I didn't get one!! I reckon she's on a special list... whereas I'm just listed as special...
Day off tomorrow... then running on Wed, Thurs and Fri . Off on Saturday and a big run on Sunday!! Only 67 days to the Achill 1/2 Marathon!! Yikes!
I wonder when I will feel less like a waddling walrus and more like a sprinting athlete... I'm still getting sympathy looks from passers by! You know that type... "Ah.. bless, keep going, you'll get there..."
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Damn that sun...
OK, plans have temporally changed... unfortunately this weekend was so sunny & warm & nice that I just couldn't muster up the energy or desire to run around the Curragh for 8K! So, as I cracked open another beer, I decided to postpone my Sunday long run to Monday; to many that may sound like an excuse but to me it's a sensible solution to a difficult situation. While everything has been pushed forward by one day this week I'm not skipping any sessions, back to normal next week!!
Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I have to admit it's getting better...
Just ran 6K in the same time (33 minutes) as last night but with much less pain... now that is progress. Day off tomorrow, cross training on Saturday (probably an hour cycle) and then a massive 8K run on Sunday to complete my first week of training!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
It starts NOW!!
OK, I've got it all worked out! 11 weeks of training ahead, culminating with the Achill 1/2 marathon in July... I'm aiming for a time of no more than 2 hrs.
Tonight I ran an impressive 6K in 33 minutes! Well I'm impressed. Same again tomorrow night.
Tonight I ran an impressive 6K in 33 minutes! Well I'm impressed. Same again tomorrow night.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
These used to work...
Started my Achill 1/2 marathon training plan tonight! I had planned to run 6K but my legs had other ideas, after 3K they decided they'd had enough and as I'm an accomodating kind of guy I let them take the rest of the evening off.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
GIR 2007...
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Rougher than a badgers arse...
The person who introduced me to the term "rougher than a badgers arse" has just talked me into entering the GNR 2007 ballot. If I win I'll be very, very upset... especially now that I've heard the marathon horror story, it's too grim to repeat here but let me assure you that it's put me right off running a marathon. I must ask her how she knows how rough a badgers arse is...
This is the first of many entries, I'm on a mission! The Great Ireland Run and the Achill Half Marathon, both in April this year. And, if luck fails, the GNR in October. I plan to transform myself from an aging tub of lard to and aging tub of low-fat marg.
This is the first of many entries, I'm on a mission! The Great Ireland Run and the Achill Half Marathon, both in April this year. And, if luck fails, the GNR in October. I plan to transform myself from an aging tub of lard to and aging tub of low-fat marg.
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