Thursday, August 02, 2007


Took the ol' legs out for a run last night after a lengthy rest... now officially worried! Only 2 weeks to the 10 mile adidas run, that's gonna hurt!


Sherlie Yulvianti said...

Eww..Hope ur okay. Don't push yourself to the limit ;)
anyway, can I get advice from you if I want to do marathon? What should I do as beginning? How many hours or miles I should practise? I need to move my body and loos this weight! Thanks :)

Andrew said...

Hi There,

First thing I'd say is get a program that fits your goal and capability. Check out for a selection of programs, I'm using these and they're great. Once you've got one that fits then listen to your body, it should be challanging but not hurt. Let me know how you're getting on...
