A little bit of trumpet blowing justified again... last night was the Dublin Docklands Fun Run, an 8K annual event. It is a pretty flat course which probably contributed to my time of 39:29, that's a pace of 7:57, an all time best for me!
I have to admit that I gave it everything and picked out a couple of guys that were running at a pace slightly faster than my comfort pace. I kept up with them for most of the race but as we crossed the Liffey I began to lose ground and had to find another pacemaker. At this point we were approaching kilometer 6 and I could see the leaders on the other side of the river which gave me the boost I needed to get back into a quicker pace.
We crossed the Liffey again and were on the final stretch, probably a kilometer to go. I was feeling the pain but kept the pace up as I had to cross the line in under 40 mins to beat my newly acquired 5 mile PB. With less that a kilometer to go my phone started to ring and the "magic roundabout" theme music filled the narrow street we were running in, much to the amusement of my fellow runners. As I crossed the line I stopped my watch and was thrilled to see a sub 40 min time, a new PB!! Yippee!!
I have to admit that I gave it everything and picked out a couple of guys that were running at a pace slightly faster than my comfort pace. I kept up with them for most of the race but as we crossed the Liffey I began to lose ground and had to find another pacemaker. At this point we were approaching kilometer 6 and I could see the leaders on the other side of the river which gave me the boost I needed to get back into a quicker pace.
We crossed the Liffey again and were on the final stretch, probably a kilometer to go. I was feeling the pain but kept the pace up as I had to cross the line in under 40 mins to beat my newly acquired 5 mile PB. With less that a kilometer to go my phone started to ring and the "magic roundabout" theme music filled the narrow street we were running in, much to the amusement of my fellow runners. As I crossed the line I stopped my watch and was thrilled to see a sub 40 min time, a new PB!! Yippee!!
mmm....how come you are doing all these races that I don't know of??? how can I compete with you if you keep running when I'm home watching telly?? :-)
well done you!! that's a FANTASTIC time..MY DREAM TIME!! congratulation! the hard work is paying off and you'll be flying in cork...I'm sure you'll beat my time, and I'll call you "proper runner" :-)
I get the feeling that I'm short distance runner, once I go over 15 miles I start to slooooooooooooow down.
No other races planned other than the Dublin marathon series BUT there are a lots of short 2 and 3 mile and a 5K race in Raheny during the summer that I might do, you want the details?
yes, please....details!!!
OK, it'll take a few mins to type... stay there!
Raheny Shamrock Athletic Club:
- Tues 27th May: 1st Lord Mayor 2 Miles Road Race Series: 8pm
- Tues 10th June: 2nd Lord Mayor 2 Miles Road Race Series: 8pm
- Sun 22nd June: Mid Summer 5K: 11am
- Tues 24th June: 3rd Lord Mayor 2 Miles Road Race Series: 8pm
- Tues 1st July: 4th Lord Mayor 2 Miles Road Race Series: 8pm
- Tues 15th July: 5th Lord Mayor 2 Miles Road Race Series: 8pm
- Tues 29th July: 6th Lord Mayor 2 Miles Road Race Series: 8pm (Incorporating the 5th annual Peter Doody Road Race)
- Tues 26th August: Jim Wall 3 Mile Handicap Road Race: 8pm
Entry fee €5 per race
Registration in Raheny Shamrock's Club. No entries after 7.45pm.
Just noticed that the info is here too (after all that typing...)
oh no!!! thanks a milion for typing them though. I'll see which one I can do! thanks!!!!!!
I'm going to try to do them all, see you there sometime!
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