Saturday, August 15, 2009

Frank Duffy 10 miler

This is the annual 10 miler that forms part of the Dublin City Marathon series (5, 10 and 13.1 milers). I wasn't really sure if I was ready for this race having, yet again, failed to train during the week and on the day I arrived a tad late but one of the benefits or riding a motorcycle is that you can park fairly close to the start line.

As I parked the bike I heard the starting gun go off and the race was really on to get across the start line before they dismantle it. I had to get my riding gear off, store it in the panniers and get my running gear on. I had to run along the starting corridor and pin my number to my shirt at the same time; I'm not know for multitasking but the mixture of sharps pins and running resulted in several minor pricks that I could have done without...

Out of breath and already feeling tired I think I was last to cross the start line. I had set my trusty Garmin virtual partner to run the race in 1.32 which, if I kept up, would give me a new PB for a 10 miler. I struggled through the first 2 miles, passing a lot of walkers, joggers and eventually the slower runners. Once I caught up with the runners I started to feel better, must be a pack thing.

The rest of the race was tough and I pushed hard to keep up the pace. But it paid off and I crossed the line in 1:32:58, a new PB!! According to my marathon prediction based on that run is 4.17 but it's hard to predict what will happen after the half marathon stage, especially after 20 miles.

Gael Force 6 is next on the list!!

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