Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Stick to the program!!

It's been four days since I last ran but I'm back and I can feel it... Managed 3.75 miles (about 6K) but it was a real struggle, I had to walk a little at the middle bit... to the end bit. Yes it was another valient effort but nature did bite back and said "NO... you're just not fit enough to sprint around the park, we'll stop you here and you can walk the rest of the way" as my legs felt as if they had picked up a couple of hitchikers. It's a weird feeling, you've got to ignore the temptation to stop (and it's really tempting) because you will pass through a barrier & there it is... your second wind!

Oh, did I mention that my time was 42 mins.? And yes, that is crap... and yes I am getting slower...

The lesson today is: Stick to the program!! Don't misss a run, if you do then make up for it the VERY NEXT DAY!! Otherwise it's hitchiker time, and those guys hang on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Just some enouragement from Brussels .... how is the training coming along? Marie