Thursday, September 17, 2009


I think there's a little more to riding a motorcycle than getting to the top of traffic queues... I think we all have an awesome responsibility regardless of which mode we use; bikes, cars, horses or feet. There are gobshites in every category: some pedestrians don't look, observe traffic signals or use crossings; most cyclists don't observe traffic signals; some motorcyclists have appalling lane discipline, fail to signal and have little regard for other road users; most motorists fail to look properly at junctions, when opening doors and changing lanes.

BUT I do believe most people care, they just don’t understand how their actions can affect others until something happens, but by then it’s too late. It’s not all the peoples fault, our (Irish) attitude to road safety is terrible but it has become the social norm and as such it’s perfectly acceptable, here. Everyone else is doing it so why shouldn't I?

I have witnessed countless situations where a cyclist has stopped at a red like only to be passed by other cyclist breaking the red light and you can almost see thought process “why have I stopped, nobody else bothers...” and they carry on through the light... it’s wrong but it’s hard to blame them!

We have to change the way we think as a society, we have to remember that we’re surrounded by people just like us, we have to think that we’re all important and we have to accept that if you’re late you’re late, don’t ruin someone’s day because you can’t organise yours.

I have been riding a motorcycle for years and ride it everywhere but I am far from an expert. Every time I do a safety course I’m am reminded of how deadly travelling can be but I’m pretty sure the vast majority of people don’t get that, we don’t do road training here. Once you pass your test you’re finished! Stats show that 92% of those involved in motorcycle crashes never had formal training... NEVER!! That is shocking!!

How many cyclists or pedestrians have done a safety course? Good question... but a better question is where can a cyclist or pedestrian do a safety course???

OK, rant over; I need to do some work...

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