Sunday, October 26, 2008

The weekend before the storm(ing down O'Connell Street..)

It's been a fantastic weekend. Lots of food and drink and family buzzing around. The excitement is starting to grow as the big day approaches.

On Saturday we journeyed into the city to visit the marathon expo to pickup our goodie bags and numbers. I had run out of energy gels a week ago and hoped that I could get the brand I was used to. Unfortunately none of the many vendors were selling "SIS" gels I had trained with and after much reading of labels I bought what I thought were the next best thing; "Hammer Gels", sounds like a dodgy horror film... turned out to be a very real horror - more later! In addition to gels, more money passed through my hands and I left the expo with a new running jacket and other miscellaneous bits.

The rest of our day in the city was spent shopping for a non-existent ice-cream maker, drinking coffee and buying something to cook dinner in. On the way home we stopped off at the supermarket and filled a trolley, much to the horror of my credit card.

Dinner was amazing: pork steaks stuffed with emental cheese and mustard, all wrapped in juicy bacon slices; and a selection of roast vegetables from the garden. Dessert was an apple crumble made with fresh apples from the same garden. All washed down with copious amounts of Weiss beer!

Sunday was a day of rest, preparation and no beer! That night we had a huge pasta dinner and an early night. Tomorrow I'll be running my 3rd marathon!! How exciting!!!

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