Saturday, December 12, 2009

Aware 10K

A few months ago I ranted about the accuracy and precision of German engineering having run out of petrol at exactly the same moment that my motorcycles' petrol gauge reckoned it would. The lesson "if it's German you can trust it, it'll do exactly what it's supposed to" had been learned and for months I had trouble free biking until this morning... the trip computer assured me that there was 50km left in the tank and from experience I felt I could trust it.

As I hurtled down the N7 towards the city there I could sense that something was not right... the engine wasn't it's usual smooth self, it felt a little rough, even spluttery at times (technical term you understand). Lack of petrol was my first thought but my trusty gauge looked up at me and said "don't worry, I've got 40km to go, you just carry on". A vision of Chamberlain holding a white piece of paper in London airport sprang to mind as I quickly lost power as the last drops of fuel trickled out of the tank.

The rescue service took about 45 minutes to get to me and quickly had me on my way. Unfortunately I arrived at the race just as the last runners were crossing the line. I was sorry to have missed this one, it's a race I do every year but as a consolation the official I spoke to (when handing in my number) took pity on my story and fetched medal for me. Sitting in the Garda boat club drinking tea and listening to post race analyses I looked out at my once trusty motorcycle and wondered where it all went wrong...

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